As you develop, your love for swimming can put you through some extra hard yards. Your body’s changing and life’s more demanding. Chances are you could be experiencing some unfamiliar feelings and challenges right now. You’re not alone.
Beyond the Black Line is a community that gives you the chance to share the personal stories and experiences of swimmers who’ve already been there.
Check out past and present Australian Dolphins covering things like self-esteem, motivation, pressure and life balance. We hope the skills you learn you’ll choose to use in all areas of life.
Feel free to register for the videos and ask your club about organising a face-to-face workshop.

Self-esteem is exactly what it says. It is defined by what you value most about yourself in every sense. Sure it’s good to push for a PB, but comparing yourself with others can do you more harm than good. Do you have a "go to" person when you’re not feeling great about yourself? Could you be one for a teammate?
Couldn’t find the topic you’re after?
Read through our full list of topics for swimmers, parents, coaches and clubs here. And of course, if you still can’t find what you’re looking for drop us a line.