Organising a workshop
Workshops provide a safe environment for boys and girls in separate sessions to listen, learn and talk about what is going in their training and beyond. Hearing how swimmers have been through the same challenges can be such a relief and reignite the passion to push on.
Making sure parents feel confident that BTBL is a valuable addition to training is crucial. To be sure parents are ok with the content, there is a parent handout available and if requested we can deliver a 10-15 minute overview of the program before the face-to-face workshop starts.
The online videos are housed in a locked section and require a parent’s email address before they can be accessed by anyone under 18 years.
Watch our videos
Club requirements
The minimum workshop group number is 10 girls or boys, between 13 and 18 years of age. You can request either a girls or boys workshop, or both, depending on your numbers. If you want to run both, we suggest they are run concurrently, in two separate locations.
The host club you have in mind will need to provide a suitable room for the number of swimmers expected. The workshop facilitator will only be travelling with a USB, so the venue will need AV facilities including a computer, screen and speakers.
If you haven’t got the venue facilities or the numbers, you can always team up with another club or coach to organise a workshop. Or to make it easier you could tie it in with a swimming meet.